Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Irish Harry

Irish Harry

Everest Beer gets you drunk quick.
Harry 32, is married with two daughters and works with his older brother who owns the Kathmandu Irish Pub in Kathmandu, Nepal.

 Harry used to work at the Red Planet Guest House for many years.  It was hard work and his job entailed him doing a mixture of everyone's responsibilities, not just his own.  Harry only saw his wife and kids for a few months each year.  They lived so far away that seeing them regularly was not possible.

Beer is good.
His brother owns the Kathmandu Irish pub and after a few years he asked his brother if he could come in on the business so he could have the chance to elevate his family's position.

After some time Harry opened a very nice garden restaurant on the top floor of the Irish pub.  Harry owns this restaurant with a partner and these days he balances his time between working at the pub downstairs and running the restaurant upstairs.  
The biggest challenges with his restaurant are getting his staff to get things done.  But Harry is very thankful to his brother for giving him the chance to move up and make a better life for himself and is family.

Nepali Breakfast Set.
 100 Nepali Rupees - 1,300won

I went back to his restaurant the next day for breakfast and Harry and I chatted for a few hours and drank tea.  

Meeting Harry was a good introduction to Nepali people and their outlook on life, their hardworking attitude and the difference between Nepali and Indian people.

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